Mirella Colalillo, 13 dicembre 2015
During the holiday season (le feste natalizie) I have two dilemmas (did you know that in Italian the word dilemma is masculine? Il dilemma just like il problema). One dilemma is food, which I talked about in this post, and the other is films.
I love watching Italian films especially the classics, but il dilemma is what to watch, since I have so many favorites that I could watch all’infinito and a long list of new releases.
I often choose based on my mood (umore)…and la tragicommedia usually wins with many films featuring Monica Vitti. In fact she’s in one of the films listed in quiz that I created below. Can you guess which one it is?
I selected 12 gemme del cinema italiano for the quiz. So after you guess the films you’ll have a list already made for your holidays and nessun dilemma!
What are your favorite Italian films?
Fammi sapere, let me know in the comments below.