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Come usare il verbo potere

How to use the verb potere

Uno dei verbi che crea più confusione è “potere”, soprattutto se nella lingua madre dello studente si traduce in modo diverso.

Il verbo “potere” appartiene al gruppo dei verbi conosciuti come i verbi servili o verbi modali, che include anche “volere” e “dovere”.

La cosa difficile dei verbi servili è sapere quando usare l’imperfetto e il passato prossimo.

Ecco due regole da seguire:

Potere + imperfetto:

  • Potevo fare…, e l’ho fatto o non l’ho fatto….;
    I could have done…, but I did or didn’t;
  • Avevo il permesso di fare qualcosa;
    I had permission to do something;

Potevo finire di mangiare la cena prima di uscire, ma non l’ho fatto.
– I could have finished eating dinner before going out, but I didn’t.

Potevo uscire solo se finivo tutti i compiti.
– I could go out only if I finished all my homework.

Potere + passato prossimo :

  • Ho potuto fare qualcosa e l’ho fatto;
    I was able to do something and I did it;
  • non ho potuto fare qualcosa e non l’ho fatto;
    I wasn’t able to do something and I didn’t do it;

Ho potuto finire di mangiare la cena ieri sera perché avevo tempo.
– I could finish eating dinner yesterday because I had time.

Non ho potuto finire di mangiare la cena ieri sera perché non avevo tempo.
– I couldn’t finish eating dinner yesterday because I didn’t have time.

Tutto chiaro? Prova a fare il quiz e fammi sapere come va nei commenti.

Se conosci qualcosa che ha difficoltà con i verbi servili inviagli questa spiegazione.

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Quiz: how to use potere

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(English follows)
One of the most confusing verbs to learn is “potere”, especially if it translates differently into a student’s native language.
The verb “potere” belongs to the group of verbs known as i verbi servili or verbi modali, along with “volere” and “dovere”.
The tricky thing about using i verbi servili is knowing when to use l’imperfetto and il passato prossimo. 
Here are two rules to follow:
Potere + imperfetto:
  • I could have done…, but I did or didn’t…;
  • I had permission to do something;
Potevo finire di mangiare la cena prima di uscire, ma non l’ho fatto.
– I could have finished eating dinner before going out, but I didn’t.
Potevo uscire solo se finivo tutti i compiti.
– I could go out only if I finished all my homework.

Potere + passato prossimo :
  • I was able to do something and I did it;
  • I wasn’t able to do something and I didn’t do it;
Ho potuto finire di mangiare la cena ieri sera perché avevo tempo.
– I could finish eating dinner yesterday because I had time.
Non ho potuto finire di mangiare la cena ieri sera perché non avevo tempo.
– I couldn’t finish eating dinner yesterday because I didn’t have time.

Tutto chiaro? Try the quiz and let me know in the comments how it goes.
If you know someone who struggles with i verbi modali, or with any Italian verbs, share this with them!

Alla prossima, 

Quiz: how to use potere

Inizia il quiz!


L’anno del cibo italiano

The year of Italian food

The year of Italian food

Scritto da Linda Caprio Cooper, May 7, 2018

Hai sentito che quest’anno è l’anno del cibo italiano? Durante l’anno, a partire da gennaio, l’Italia celebra i legami importanti fra cibo, arte e paesaggio.  È un’iniziativa di Maurizio Martina, Ministro delle Politiche Agricole insieme con Dario Franceschini, Ministro dei Beni Culturali e del Turismo. Tutt’e due dicono che si tratta di accrescere la reputazione dell’Italia negli occhi del mondo.

Have you heard that this year is the year of Italian food? During the year, starting from January, Italy celebrates the important links between food, art and landscape. It is an initiative by Maurizio Martina, Minister of Agricultural Policies together with Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Both say that it is about increasing Italy’s reputation in the eyes of the world.

Il governo italiano ed anche gli italiani stessi si rendono conto del ruolo importantissimo della cucina italiana che è amata in tutto il mondo.  Infatti, credono che il cibo sia il primo simbolo dell’Italia.

The Italian government and even the Italians themselves realize the important role of Italian cuisine which is loved all over the world. In fact, they believe that food is the first symbol of Italy.

Nel corso del 2018 ci saranno circa 400 musei che accentueranno i quadri e le sculture che rappresentano il cibo italiano.  Vogliono che i turisti visitino i musei, i monumenti e i parchi e scattino delle foto. Poi possono condividerle su Instagram sulla pagina dei Musei Italiani.

During 2018 there will be about 400 museums that will accentuate the paintings and sculptures that represent Italian food. They want tourists to visit museums, monuments and parks and take photos. Then they can share them on Instagram on the page of the Italian Museums.

Ci saranno anche un sacco di iniziative ed eventi che faranno pubblicità alle tradizioni alimentari ed all’industria alimentare italiana.  Per esempio ci saranno molti percorsi turistici in tutta la campagna. I visitatori potranno vedere di prima mano la connessione tra il paesaggio ed i prodotti italiani.  Ogni percorso racconterà la storia del cibo o del vino locale, ma anche delle tradizioni e dei festeggiamenti che si basano sul cibo.

There will also be a lot of initiatives and events that will advertise the food traditions and the Italian food industry. For example, there will be many tourist routes throughout the countryside. Visitors will see first hand the connection between the landscape and Italian products. Each route will tell the story of local food or wine, but also of traditions and festivities based on food.

C’è una pagina Facebook (annodelciboitaliano) dove si possono vedere tutte le foto dei cibi condivise da molte persone. Sarà un banchetto per gli occhi.  Ci ho visto biscottini, arancini, orecchiette, lasagne vegetariane, focacce, ricotta fresca, pasta carbonara, pasticcini di mandorla e delle fragolone! Che goduria.  Che sapori deliziosi!!

There is a Facebook page (annodelciboitaliano) where you can see all the photos of food shared by many people. It will be a feast for the eyes. I saw biscuits, arancini, orecchiette, vegetarian lasagna, focaccia, fresh ricotta, carbonara pasta, almond pastries and big strawberries! What a delight! What delicious flavors!!

Sono fortunata perché quest’autunno andrò in Italia per un mese.  Vedrò come fanno il parmigiano reggiano a Parma. A Modena vedrò come viene fatto l’aceto balsamico.  E in Puglia vedrò come sono fatte le orecchiette. Faremo un giro in Toscana dove si trovano molti vigneti.  Spero di fare una passeggiata a Bologna, la capitale gastonomica d’Italia. Salute e mangia!

I am lucky because this autumn I am going to Italy for a month. I’ll see how they make Parmigiano Reggiano in Parma. In Modena I will see how balsamic vinegar is made. And in Puglia I will see how the orecchiette are made. We will take a tour in Tuscany where there are many vineyards. I hope to take a walk in Bologna, the gastronomic capital of Italy. Happy health and eat!

Pensi che l’anno del cibo italiano richiamerà l’attenzione del mondo sull’Italia?  Pensi che migliorerà l’immagine dell’Italia in tutto il mondo?

Do you think that the year of Italian food will attract the attention of the world toward Italy? Do you think that the image of Italy will improve all over the world?

About the author:
Linda Caprio Cooper is an Italian-american with a great passion for her Italian heritage, who has been studying Italian with Mirella for over 2 years. She enjoys writing short stories in Italian and exploring the Italian language and culture.

Read next:

How do you translate “if” in Italian?

How to use idiomatic expressions formed by “avere” and “essere”

How do you translate “if” in Italian?

I diversi usi di “SE” /  The different uses of “if” in Italian

if conj (in case that)se cong
If what he said is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion.Se quello che ha detto è vero dovremo accettarne la conclusione.
if conj (on condition that)se cong
I’ll only buy the car if they fix the brakes first.Comprerò la macchina solo se prima sistemeranno i freni.
if conj (supposing that)se cong
If you’re such a chef, why do you always burn the pizza?Se cucini così bene perché bruci sempre la pizza?
if conj (whether)se cong
Do you know if she’s at home?Sai se è in casa?

e altre traduzioni / and more translations:

if conj (although)sebbene, benché, seppur cong
Although bad weather was expected, the storm was a surprise.Sebbene ci aspettassimo del brutto tempo, il temporale è stata una sorpresa.
if conj (exclamatory starter)se cong
If only I’d known!Se solo avessi saputo!
if n (supposition) (forse)se nm
Mario’s decision to run for election is still a big if.La decisione di Mario di candidarsi alle elezioni è un grosso se.
if n (stipulation, requirement)se nm
No ifs or buts allowed!Non sono ammessi se o ma!

How do you use: tutto, tutti, tutta, tutte

A challenge for many Italian students is learning how to use tutto, tutti, tutta, tutte correctly. This simple explanation will help you master them.

There’s a quiz waiting for you to make sure that è tutto chiaro, everything is clear.

A challenge for many Italian students is learning how to use tutto, tutti, tutta, tutte correctly. This simple explanation will help you master them.

There’s a quiz waiting for you to make sure that è tutto chiaro, everything is clear.
1. “Tutto” by itself means “everything”
• Tutto andrà bene. (Everything is going to be alright.)
• Ho fatto tutto. (I did everything.)
2. Tutto/tutta in front of nouns mean “the whole…”, “the entire…”
• Abbiamo mangiato tutta la torta. (We ate the whole cake.)
• Abbiamo trascorso tutto il mese insieme. (We spent the whole month together.)
• Hai visto tutta la partita? (Did you see the whole match?)
3. Tutti by itself means “everyone”/”everybody”
• Tutti vanno in spiaggia durante l’estate. (Everyone goes to the beach during the summer.)
• Ho comprato regali per tutti. (I bought gifts for everyone.)
4. Tutti/tutte (followed by a noun) mean “all of (something)” or even “every one of (something)”
• Ho visto tutti i film di Fellini. (I’ve seen all of Fellini’s films.)
• Luca ha parlato con tutte le ragazze della festa . (Luca talked to all of the girls at the party.)
• Tutti i giorni studio in biblioteca. (I study at the library every day.)

Also, remember that tutto/tutti is masculine (singular/plural) and tutta/tutte is feminine (singular/plural).

Now you’re ready for the quiz!


Tutto chiaro? Try the quiz

Inizia il quiz!


L’Anno Nuovo come sarà?

“Tell me my destiny, Fortune-teller,
you who can see into the future:
how will the new year be like?
Beautiful, ugly or half and half?
“I find it printed in my big books
that there will certainly be four seasons,
twelve months, each in its place,
a Carnival and a Ferragosto
and the day after Monday
will always be a Tuesday.
More for now I do not find written
on the fate of the new year:
as usual even this year
it will be what people make of it! “


I soldati dimenticati – The forgotten soldiers

November 11, 2016 - Mirella Colalillo

Infantrymen of "D" Company, The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, with their Universal Carrier, which is inscribed "Germany Kaput - Italia Tutto Finito - Here We Come Canada", De Glindhorst, Netherlands, 5 May 1945. (L-R): Private Wilf Monbourquette, Sergeant Ross MacKay, Privates Hugh McErlain, Lawrence Spence, Harry Campbell, Dusty Millar and Aubrey Bolitho. Date: 5 May 1945 Place: De Glindhorst, Netherlands Extent: 55 x 55 mm Terms of use Credit: Lieut. Michael M. Dean / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-137741
Restrictions on use: Nil
Copyright: Expired Photographer: Michael M. Dean
5 May 1945, Credit: Lieut. Michael M. Dean / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada – Photographer: Michael M. Dean


History was not il mio forte in high school although that changed later on in life. The reason for this is that the Italian school system is text based. Not much fun and, despite the fact that we were surrounded by that same history we were studying, there were no field trips, but only hours bent over textbooks remembering names, dates and battles. As we all know, Italy’s history is very ancient and complex, therefore it makes sense that our first huge volume in the 1st year of high school begins with Preistoria, Prehistory – a long way to go before we reach modern days.

l° anno: dalla Preistoria ai primi due secoli dell'impero Romano;
2° anno: dall'età dei Severi alla metà del XIV secolo;
3° anno: dalla crisi socio-economica del XIV secolo alla prima metà del Seicento;
4° anno: dalla seconda metà del Seicento alla fine dell'Ottocento;
5° anno: il Novecento.

It’s only during the 5th year of high school, 5° anno superiore, (grade 13) that we start learning about the 20th century, il novecento,  and we finally discover our recent past – familiar names and faces appear making the tedious textbooks more interesting and exciting.  But we barely cover WWI and WWII, La Prima e Seconda Guerra Mondiale. The words Fascism and Communism remain abstract concepts.

For example, who knew that Italy was rescued by Canada… I didn’t learn this in school, but found out that Italy was liberated from the Fascist invasion thanks to brave young Canadian soldiers. In fact in July 1943 the men of the First Canadian Division landed on the beaches of Sicily, and fought their way north eliminating Hitler and Mussolini. 

During history class educational documentaries such as the following would have helped us relate to our ancestors and make connections which we are still missing today.

I highly recommend watching these two videos which will be available online until Apr 29, 2017.

The Forgotten Army: Canadians in Italy, 1943 – Ep. 3
The Forgotten Army: Canadians in Italy, 1943-1945 – Ep. 4

Today, November 11th, is Remembrance Day in Canada, and there is no better time than now to remember the sacrifice of many brave soldati dimenticati – the forgotten soldiers, humans and animals. The cemeteries where they lay across Italy are often unknown and ignored. Tourists rarely visit them.

Let us honor and not forget the soldiers who gave their lives so that we could be free from repression and hate.

Canadian War Cemetery, in Agira, Sicily
Canadian War Cemetery in Agira, Sicily


– Video of my family’s town, Campobasso, Canada Town 1943:


Continua a leggere / Continue reading:

How to use the verb dovere


How do you compare things in Italian?

I 3 comparativi in italiano

Being able to compare things (comparare, fare paragoni) is essential especially if you are among  Italians: “This coffee is stronger than that one” … “That train is slower than the other” …

In these videos I explain how to use the comparative in Italian in 3 different cases. 


Special Comparatives and Superlatives



relative comparative

absolute superlative

buono – good

cattivo (brutto) – bad

grande – big

small – piccolo

alto – high

basso – low

migliore – better

peggiore – worse

maggiore – bigger

minore – smaller

superiore – higher

inferiore – lower

il migliore – the best

il peggiore – the worst

il maggiore – the biggest

il minore – the smallest

il superiore – the highest

l’inferiore – the lowest

ottimo – excellent

pessimo – terrible

massimo – maximum

minimo – minimum

supremo – supreme

infimo – worthless


1) He is the worst politician in the Italian history.
– Lui è il peggiore candidato nella storia italiana.

2) This wine is terrible.
– Questo vino è pessimo.

3) In the winter Canadian weather is worse than Italian weather.
In inverno il clima canadese è peggiore di quello italiano.

Let me know in the comments which comparativo è più bello!

A presto,


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