Let’s rejoice that among the 4 verbi modali, potere, volere, dovere, sapere, also known as verbi servili, potere is the most difficult to grasp.
So, take a sigh of relief, un sospiro di sollievo, because it will only get easier now. Trust me, fidati!
In this article we’ll tackle the verb dovere.
As I mentioned previously, the hardest part when using i verbi modali is knowing when to use l’imperfetto and il passato prossimo.
However, when you use dovere keep these rules in mind to simplify the translation with regards to these two tenses.
- the obligation to do something
- the necessity to do something
- supposed to do something, but didn’t do it
Dovevo finire i compiti prima di uscire.
– I had to finish my homework before going out.
Dovevo imparare l’imperfetto prima di fare gli esercizi.
– I needed to learn the imperfect before doing the exercises.
Dovevo chiamarti, ma ho perso il tuo numero.
– I was supposed to call you, but I lost your number.
Il passato prossimo :
- the obligation to do something – usually in a specific time in the recent past
- the necessity to do something – usually in a specific time in the recent past
Oggi ho dovuto finire i compiti prima di uscire.
– Today I’ve had to finish my homework before going out.
Ho dovuto imparare l’imperfetto durante il semestre.
– I’ve needed to learn the imperfect during the semester.
Tutto chiaro? Try the quiz below and let me know in the comments how it goes.
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Quiz: how to use dovere
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Read about another ”verbo modale” :
How to use the verb potere
La Storia della Cultura Italiana: Gli Etruschi
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